Human Aerospace provides specialised Space Life Sciences and Bioastronautics services into the Defence and Aerospace Industries. Based in Australia, our expertise is recognised and utilised world-wide.

Life science expertise for the aeropace industry
The biomedical aspects of both civilian and military aviation
The physiological and health challenges of the space flight environment
What we do
Human Aerospace are experts in Consulting, Education, Training, Assessment, Certification, Strategy and R&D covering:
Aerospace physiology · Space medicine · Biomedical engineering · Aeromedical risk management · Policy and regulation · Analogue systems · Parabolic flight campaigns · Aeromedical fitness · Commercial aeromedical space operations · Bioastronautics · IVA Countermeasure design/development/deployment · EVA systems
“Your company provides the highest level of expertise in space medicine in this country.”
Professor Tracy Smart AO
- Air Vice-Marshal (ret’d)
- Professor, Military and Aerospace Medicine, ANU
Latest News
Human Aerospace on Outback to Orbit Podcast
1 NOV 2024
Human Aerospace CEO Dr James Waldie is featured on the latest Australian Space Agency’s podcast Outback to Orbit. The podcast is looking at some Australian companies that have found ways to ‘spin out’ their space technology to serve needs on Earth, or ‘spin in’ to the space industry by pushing their Earth-based technology to new extremes... quite literally going from Outback To Orbit. Hear about Conflux Technology creating a 3D-printed heat exchanger for a rocket engine, Myriota expanding their Internet of Things data transmission services across the globe to the Moon and beyond, and Human Aerospace channelling its spacesuit expertise into custom-made compression garments for better healthcare on Earth.
Listen from 24:10.
Dr Jon Clarke speaks with ABC
21 OCT 2024
Dr Jonathan Clarke, Human Aerospace EVA Systems Scientist, spoke with ABC on the Prada/Axiom collaboration and broader EVA topics. What goes into designing a spacesuit?
Listen from 1:43:10.
Ruth Bunford’s groundbreaking PhD Journey
9 SEP 2024
For nearly 20 years, Ruth worked as a pattern maker in the fashion industry, with the last eight years spent teaching at RMIT. Her decision to pursue a PhD at RMIT was driven by a desire to elevate her career and expand her impact from industry practice to academic research.
Her PhD journey began with a serendipitous opportunity that perfectly aligned with her skills and interests. A position was advertised at RMIT seeking someone with pattern-making expertise to contribute to a project developing spacesuits. This industry-funded research project became the foundation of her PhD, titled ‘Spacesuits for Preserving Human Health and Mobility’.
Read the article here:
Humans in Space: Challenges for Exploration
21 AUG 2024
Human Aerospace was a proud sponsor of the “Humans in Space: Challenges for Exploration” course hosted by the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAM) in Hobart this month. We were well represented by a team including co-founder and director Professor Gordon Cable, Dr Braid McRae and Human Aerospace intern Adam Or. Gordon delivered lectures with former CSA astronaut Dr Robert Thirsk on musculoskeletal adaptations to microgravity, effects on the immune system, and medical support systems for exploration missions, while Braid delivered a presentation on space suits. Adam attended as a participant having won a scholarship offered by ASAM.
Australian Space Forum
25 JUL 2024
Human Aerospace was proud to be an Exhibitor at the 17th Australian Space Forum in Adelaide 24-25 July, attended by Professor Cable and Adam Or. Professor Cable was also a speaker on the Human Spaceflight panel at the Forum, discussing Human Aerospace’s Gravity Loading Compression suits for space and Orthostatic Intolerance Garments.
Welcome Prof Siobhan Banks
15 JUL 2024
Prof Siobhan Banks - Aerospace Psychology Consultant
Siobhan Banks is a Professor of Psychology at UniSA and Director of the Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre.
Her research focuses on the interactions between biology, behaviour, and technology. She collaborates with 24/7 industries like healthcare, transportation, defence, and aerospace to enhance worker performance, health and well-being. With over $11M in research funding, she has earned the 2019 Australian Council Graduate Research Award for Industry Engagement and was a 2021 finalist for the ADM Women in Defence Awards.
Australian Space Agency article on Human Aerospace
01 JUL 2024
The work of Human Aerospace is the focus of an article by the Australian Space Agency in their “Advancing Medical Science” series. The agency introduces various examples of aerospace medicine, and then shows how the compression skinsuits of Human Aerospace addresses a number of human spaceflight deconditioning issues, and what innovations are in store for the future. While not described in the article, one of our EVA suit concepts is also shown.
Welcome Dr Alicia Tucker
20 JUN 2024
Dr Alicia Tucker - Emergency, Hyperbaric and Space Medicine Consultant
Alicia, an Australian Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine Physician, holds specialist qualifications in Emergency Medicine and Aerospace Medicine. She has served as a Retrieval doctor with the Royal Australian Flying Doctors Service, a Ship’s Physician to Antarctica, and as an Event and Expedition Medical Officer, gaining extensive experience in International Medical Repatriation.
Currently based at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Alicia is a Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine and Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine. The hospital's Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine department boasts a unique chamber in the Southern Hemisphere, capable of both Hyperbaric up to 6ATA and Hypobaric up to 100K ft. Alicia specializes in 'fitness to fly' and 'fitness to dive' medical evaluations and is developing an Altitude Physiology Training Program while conducting research in Aerospace Medicine.
Welcome Dr John Cherry
13 JUN 2024
John is the Director of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAM) and chairs its Space Life Science Committee. He serves on the Australian Space Agency’s Applied Space Medicine and Life Sciences Technical Advisory Group. His past experience includes work with NASA and the European Space Agency, developing medical support and training for astronauts. He is a Senior Lecturer in Space Medicine at the University of Tasmania.
Dr. Cherry specializes in emergency medicine, anaesthetics, and rural and remote medicine, holding Fellowships with several prestigious societies, including the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and the Royal Aeronautical Society. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine. Currently, he works as a Head Office doctor for the Australian Antarctic Division, having completed an over-winter deployment in 2021 and a recent deep field deployment to Little Dome C. Prior to his medical career, he was an astrophysicist, commercial helicopter pilot, high school science teacher.
Congratulations Ruth Bunford
07 JUN 2024
Congratulations to Ruth Bunford on her progress presentation - well on her way to her PhD. Ruth is supervised by James Waldie and industry partner Human Aerospace on her thesis topic “Spacesuits for Preserving Human Health and Mobility” at RMIT School of Fashion and Textiles.
Today Ruth was describing the benefits of designing compression garments for the posture they will be worn in, rather than the standard patterns of the standing pose.
This is critical when we consider the orthostatic intolerance garment is worn in the recumbent position during re-entry.
Welcome Dr Anthony Rengel
Dr Anthony Rengel – Aerospace Medicine Registrar, Rural Remote and Retrieval Medicine
Anthony is a versatile aerospace medicine practitioner, rural generalist, and commercial pilot based in Western Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine and is currently completing specialist fellowship training with the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine. His career highlights include roles as a designated aviation medical examiner for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and specializing in aeromedical retrieval for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
He has held a Commercial Pilot Licence since age 15 and has managed fly-out GP clinics in rural Western Australia and holds various qualifications such as a Master of Aviation Medicine from the University of Otago and several Post-Graduate Certificates. Joining Human Aerospace, Anthony aims to contribute his expertise to shaping aerospace medicine policy and capabilities in Australia.
Skinsuit on display at EAC
14 MAR 2024
The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit was worn on the Space Station by Andreas Mogensen in 2015 and Thomas Pesquet in 2017. Dr James Waldie originally designed the suit in 1999, and pursued it further at UCSD, ISU, MIT and RMIT before it became an ESA project in 2008. The suit is designed to replicate the normal loading on our skeletal system to help reduce the bone atrophy of up to 1.5% per month while floating unloaded in the microgravity environment of space. It is also important to preserve spinal shape. The vertical tension of the Skinsuit is designed to mimic the gradually increasing load from the shoulders the feet when standing on earth, and the circumferential compression provides an anchor for the gradual stretch and imparts the load. One of the flown suits is on display in the EAC foyer, and it was obviously a thrill for James to see it again!
Welcome Dr Calum Young
Dr Calum Young – Consultant, Aerospace Cardiology
Calum graduated from the University of Otago and Wellington School of Medicine in 1994 and has served as a Consultant Cardiologist in Tauranga, New Zealand since 2004. His focus lies in cardiac risk assessment and Cardiac CT scanning, bolstered by a 2013 sabbatical spent with various Cardiac CT centres across the UK and Europe.
In 2018, Calum achieved Distinction in his Master of Aviation Medicine and Post Graduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine. He holds Fellowships with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Actively engaged in the aerospace medical community, he serves on committees for the Aerospace Medical Society of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine.
ASA envoy to ESA
13 MAR 2024
Drs James Waldie and Braid McRae were invited as members of the Australian Space Agency’s recent envoy to the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany. Specifically, HA was tasked with demonstrating our new suit technologies and 3D scanning capability to EAC and the wider DLR (German Aerospace Centre) community. A highlight early on was scanning our new Australian Astronaut Katherine Bennell-Pegg, spending time with our previous collaborators on the Skinsuit, and seeing Andrea Boyd thriving at EAC in her new role. The new LUNA moon analogue testbed building was visited and looks incredible – it will allow for a hyper-realistic recreation of the Moon surface. We made several presentations to DLR also, touring EnviHab and other facilities as part of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine. Wonderful to be part of such a vibrant group of Australian space companies and scientists, and meeting so many new peers. Thank you to all involved!
Welcome Adam Or
Adam is a space science and physics honours graduate from RMIT with a keen interest in aerospace medicine and bioastronautics to enhance the health, safety, and performance of our space explorers and pioneers. He has worked alongside Human Aerospace researchers throughout his honours project to advance astronaut anthropometrics and further develop orthostatic intolerance garments used for spaceflight. This work provided exposure to the research and development of IVA countermeasure skinsuits, and his ambition is to continue making contributions to astronaut healthcare. Prior to Human Aerospace, he had the opportunity to work as a Citizen Scientist for the European Space Agency, where systematic reviews were conducted on the biological effects of radiation, as well as working as a Research Intern for Saber Astronautics on orbital collision manoeuvres. Adam is a student member of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine and the Australian Institute of Physics.
HA awarded ASA grant for suits and 3D scanning
01 MAR 2024
We are proud to be selected as part of the latest Moon to Mars Supply Chain grants, under our project “Compression Garment and 3D Body Scanning Technology for Human Spaceflight”. This is a close collaboration with our NASA colleagues, with RMIT again an academic partner. The work will spin in commercial 3D body scanning technologies to space, supporting the design, development, and manufacturing of compression garments to counter orthostatic intolerance. New knowledge of space physiology and deconditioning will be enabled, with improved countermeasures for future missions to maintain astronaut health. New terrestrial medical applications will also be realised, further bolstering innovation and international supply chain opportunities for Artemis in particular.
Image Credit - ESA. Astronaut Thomas Pesquet (pictured right) wearing SkinSuit during the Proxima mission.
Welcome Dr Tony Schiemer
20 MAR 2023
Dr Tony Schiemer - Aerospace Medicine Physician. Lead, Operational Aviation
Tony is an Australian medical doctor, mechanical engineer and commercial pilot. He holds fellowships with the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Aerospace Medical Association.
He served for fourteen years with the Royal Australian Navy as a marine engineer and later, a general duties and aviation medical officer. Following transfer to the active reserves in 2019 he spent three years as a Senior Aviation Medical Officer (civilian contractor) to the RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine.
Congratulations Abby Rudakov
28 FEB 2023
Congratulations to Abby Rudakov on the completion of her Master of Technology with High Distinction. Abby was supervised by James Waldie.
Her thesis “3D Body Scanning and Computer Modelling for Mechanical Counter Pressure Space Suit Development” modelled local pressure variations around the body to understand how pressure delivery changes over time as a result of body shape changes associated with space flight.
A trade study was also conducted to compare EVA gas pressure, MCP and hybrid suit architectures for their suitability for Mars EVA.
Welcome Christian Gericke
Prof Christian Gericke - Aerospace Neurology Consultant
Christian is a prominent neurologist and epileptologist with a distinguished career in both academia and military service. He currently serves as Director of Research at Calvary Mater Newcastle, Clinical Dean at the University of Newcastle, and holds a professorship at the University of Queensland School of Public Health. Previously, he held leadership roles at the Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane and various professorships in the UK and Australia.
Educated at the Free University of Berlin and with extensive international training, Professor Gericke has earned multiple advanced degrees including an MD in cognitive neurology, an MPH from the University of Cambridge, and an MBA from Deakin Business School. He is actively involved in international neurology organizations and serves in leadership positions such as Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) Therapeutics Committee and has held roles in the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).
HA delivers new health and suit tech
01 FEB 2023
Space travel takes a huge toll on the human body. Human Aerospace has created a unique set of three IVA compression suits that can counteract the physical stresses of space – and do some important jobs on Earth as well.
• Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit applies Earth-like loading to help maintain bone mass.
• Orthostatic Intolerance Garment provides strong lower body compression to maintain blood flow to the brain and reduce fainting when landing.
• Sensorimotor suit helps stimulate proprioception and movement resistance, helping preserve normal balance and coordination.
• On Earth, the compression design has the potential to help treat medical conditions such as burns, lymphoedema, osteoporosis, and cerebral palsy, and support athletes with post-game recovery.
New ASA grant for developing health technologies
18 AUG 2020
Human Aerospace is proud to announce commencement of a collaborative research program over the next two years: "Spacesuits for Preserving Human Health and Mobility". This project was successful in receiving grant funding from the Australian Space Agency’s International Space Investment: Expand Capability grant opportunity.
Image Credit - ESA. Astronaut Andreas Mogensen wearing SkinSuit in the Destiny Laboratory during the IRISS mission.